As I wrote, to hear God's voice we must have yearning to know God personally & we must have willing to life in holiness & strong will to serve God indeed. Without strong will to know God more, everything is in vain.
So many voices heard inside us.
Basically there are 4 voices that we used to hear:
1. our own spirit voice
2. God's Angel's voice
3. Holy Spirit's voice
4. Satan's voice.
At the beginning it will be so confused to differentiate between these 4 voices. Sometimes we feel that the voice is God's, but actually it is our own heart voice. When we start to learn how to hear God's voice we will do so many mistakes. This is normal. The Apostle Paul, who'd ever been lifted to heaven, sometimes confused to differentiate between his own voice or God's Spirit.
Many famous God's servants sometimes feel hard to differentiate whether the voice he heard comes from God or the others. In this verse below we'll see how Paul was so concern & carefully in writing his letters. We could see that he almost wrong in this verse (1 Cor
At the beginning Paul felt that he, himself, had opinion that divorce is not allowed, but then Holy Spirit corrected his mind with the result that he say " I, not I". If we hear the voice related to religious life it's easy to differentiate between that the thing is right or wrong, because we have guidance i.e. the Bible.
The problem is: when we asking direction/guidance about something to God. For example: we ask His direction where we should work in?
(We must choose from 2 or 3 companies which accepted us). Sometimes we confused to make a decision. Or we ask God for mating/ life partner. Let's say there are 1 - 2 people very close to us, and all of them are ready to be our wife/ husband (wow!). Or we ask God about where should we serve Him?
There's no firm guidance can be used to know God's voice because only yourself who will decide whether the voice that we heard is from God, Evil or yourself. Usually God will answer on the last moment. Or it could be happened, someday we are unconsciously going to one of the company & we decide to accept the job offered.
God will be in contact with human according to every human personality. The great thing is all God's children feel that they are special in His eyes. That is our God. He respects us person by person. And He's in contact with us personally. For example: for a gentle man God will educate tenderly because He knows that this man will not accept if he conducted roughly. But for someone who used to live hard, God will educate him in a tough way, because if he conducted gently this man could not be educated.
God will be in contact with human according to every human personality. The great thing is all God's children feel that they are special in His eyes
The best way to test whether the voice we heard comes from God or others is: if we're husband-wife we can ask our mate about what should we do or we ask God to tell someone closed to us (they must be closed to God, too). Or we can ask a pastor/ priest that we know well to ask God whether the voice is really comes from God.
Although we ask someone else to help us to get God's answered we should remember the final decision is in our hands. We are basically the one who knows exactly about the voice. If there's no peace in our heart we must reject the voice.
Devil & their followers are very clever to deceit us. They can tell us something religious or guidance AS IF come from God. Same with our flesh, can deceit/ cheat us by telling something as
if come from God, but actually the case only to satisfy our own flesh/ desire. For example : the sample above/ before, we feel that God ask us to work in one of the company which will give higher salary to us.
Or another voice tells us if we work at 'that' company means that we will help God's (field) work more, as for the higher salary we have the higher tenth. We could give. But actually the case is we want to enjoy the higher salary for having more chances to enjoy our lusts/ desires.
To be able to hear God's voice truly, we should build an intimate relation with God. We are created to have a relationship with God. He wants us to be closed with Him, always. We must ask Him to become our best friend. The Holy Spirit is God with His very gentle personal.
The Bible says “...there was the soft whisper of a voice". We must connect with God 24 hours, even when we talk to other people; we can keep talking to God also (in the same time).
Then we should differentiate between 3 personalities of God i.e: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus said about Holy Spirit in
(13) When however, the Spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, He will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority, but He will speak of what He hears & will tell yourself things to come.
(14) He will give Me glory, because He will take what I say and tell it to you.
(15) all that my Father has is Mine; that is why I said that the spirit will take what I give him & tell it to you".
Holy Spirit is God in another personality who'd like to stay together with us, human. It's right what Jesus ever said, if Jesus stayed He as human will only be in one place. But, when Holy Spirit comes, He could be at everywhere, every time and for everyone (sounds like Coca Cola advertisement).
In Old Testament, Holy Spirit had done His work. We often read "...the Power of Holy Spirit is on the Prophets!” but God not stay in the Prophets, God only comes to consecrate or stay for a temporary time. After the work of the Prophets is finished, the consecration is finish, too. It's different with the time when Jesus goes up to heaven. Holy Spirit officially is sent to become the Comforter, the Truth Spirit who will teach everything to us.
One more thing that we can do to know God more is: we must memorize Bible's verses a lot. So we are asked not only to read The Words but to memorize The Words also. Most Christian are reluctant to read God's Word regularly (how can he memorize the Words if he never read it). God often cites (excerpts) His Words when He gives us His direction/ guidance. The reason God cites the Words is because the Words (the Bible) is come from Himself (God).
So, the conclusions of how we can hear God’s voice are:
2. We must read and memorize God's Words (the Bible) a lot.
3. We must have a will to live in purity and holiness.
4. We must place God to be the Most Important/ First Thing in our life.
In our effort to know God's voice, sometimes He let us find mistakes, or wrong decision for our mishearing. Don't be discouraged. God let us to experience that, so that we will be more careful in deciding whether the voice comes from God indeed, or not. Finally, keep trying......
Jesus Loves You
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10 commandments The New Movie with Christian Slater as the voice of Moses.
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