In my articles "Are You Jesus Follower" I wrote that become a Christian doesn't mean become Jesus follower. To be called as Jesus follower people should be able to hear God's voice, because
Jesus said in John 10:27
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me".
The problem is: How can we hear God's voice?
Does He speak? Talk to us?
The conditions of how can we hear God's voice is:
1. We yearn to know God personally.
We must examine our heart; do we have been yearning to know God personally? Or we only want to get His bless? Many peoples seek God for the purpose to get God's blessings only, not to know Him personally.
Now I ask you, if there's someone want to be acquainted with you, but his purpose is just to ask your help & you know if you fulfill this man's request tomorrow this man will come again with another purpose, asking other things to you. Perhaps you would be patience for 5 - 10 requests, after that you'll kick this man out of your house.
Well, that is what God feel about if we come to Him only to beg and beg His blessings, but not to know Him intimately. God knows our heart. We might say to God with our lips that we want to hear His voice & want to know Him personally, but God knows our real heart more. The great thing is God is full of patience to us and keep giving His blessings to us! OK, let’s say we have a noble and pure heart before Him, the next step is:
2. Take some pieces of paper and a pen.
You start to pray and tell him how you yearn to meet Him so much & ask Him to tell all of your sins along your life. Start to worship Him & pray with all your heart. Don't forget, you must do this in a closed room alone. Don't do this in mal or supermarket.
If you do it with all your heart God will tells your sins. How? By remind you of your sins. Write the sins one by one. Remember! Don’t prepare only a piece of paper!
3. Ask forgiveness for your sins.
After you notes your sins, begin to ask Him forgiveness for your sins. For example: you note that you keep bitterness to your family or a friend. Pray, ask God forgiveness for your incapability to forgive your family/ friend. You do it for all sins in which you had noted. Maybe you think "Well, I'd been forgiven for my sins". It had been already.
Your sins had been forgiven. BUT, do you remember which sin had been forgiven? How can we say we'd been forgiven but we still keep bitterness or grudge in our life or we can not forgive other people yet? Hasn't God say that He wouldn't forgive our sins if we won't forgive others? (Our Father Pray: forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors).
4. Let God become the King of your life.
After you ask forgiveness ask Him to become the Master of your life. Give your whole body, soul and spirit to Him. Also you’re will, worries/anxiety, problem and other things in your life. Tell Him how you thank Him for He had reconciled His life for you. Surrender all of your wealth and your family to His arm. Now you become the poorest people in the world because you've given everything to God.
5. Start to prepare time as two together with God.
You can choose your best time with God. Some like to do it in the morning or in the afternoon or night time. If you want to talk to God HERE (NOW) IS the time. Open the meeting with pray. Invite Him to come. After pray start to read the Bible. God loves to teach when you learn His Words. Ask Him what does His Words mean?
6. Talk to Him along the day.
Most people never talk to their God, unless they're praying. I don't know what kind of deviate teachings possess those people think that God hears only when they're praying.
God isn't deaf, Pal. Start your day when you wake up in the morning saying "Good morning, God". And along the day keep talking to him. At beginning, because you're not used to hear God, you wouldn't hear Him yet, and this is normal.
This can be explained as:'If there's best friend/dad/husband calls/phones you and you receive it. How can you recognize that the voice is your best friend/dad/husband? Certainly you answered, "Of course I know it, and I remember / recognize their voice. Because I often to talk to him/her. God like wise. If you often to talk to Him so you would recognize His voice.
God say that he wouldn't forgive our sin, if we won't forgive others
God's voice is so gentle. His voice is deep in our heart. If His voice is tender, it doesn't mean in noisy atmosphere you wouldn't hear Him. No brothers/sisters, you can hear Him although you are in a noisy atmosphere.
Start to rely on God in everything, even when you choose your daily shirt or make a decision. Ask Him,” God, which shirt/ dress I should wear today?” When you do something, be engaged in conversation with God. Ask Him how to do your job the best? What I mean to conversation with God is not by mouth. You just need to talk to Him inside your heart. Understand what I mean? Don't worry, although you talk inside your heart God hears you.
Well, try all the method above. Don't try only once and then you give up if it’s not succeeded. Come on, don't give up.
Remember, look at your heart. If you're fail contact me by e-mail, I'll help you & ask Him why you are seem not been cared.
To Be Continued to Chapter TWO

God bless you and All Your Family
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